Friday 9 August 2013

9 August, from the crew dude

G'day all, and welcome from sunny (?) Leszno.

No, sunny it is not.  Seemed pretty clear last night that there'd be no task today, so a few people had a great time at the Polish Night.  Well, everyone did really, but perhaps some managed to party on a little later.  The Poles' main dish was apparently a roasted wild boar.

Thunderstorms yet again last night, and the sodding things kept me awake half the night.  Not much rain or wind this time, but a fair amount of sparking and banging.

A few very feeble Cu's around this morning, about suitable for keeping up a paper dart, but certainly not something loaded to the rafters with a heap of water.

So the no-fly status was confirmed early in the piece, and we (and a few others) went off into Leszno for a guided walking tour of the history of the place.  Can't remember much of it but no doubt Wikipedia will have some hints... :-)  First mentioned in historical records in the late 14th century and then came into its own in the 16th century.

Followed by a big lunch in a small family-run restaurant / eatery which dished up excellent stuff for very little price.  Everything there was cooked from fresh and really top quality.

The sky's now definitely greyer than earlier, and there've been some light showers.  More forecast tonight, then easing off tomorrow morning, perhaps enough to set one final task.  (Forecast is for fine weather tomorrow arvo.)

Then the final party tomorrow night (maybe) and the closing ceremony Sunday arvo, and then we're off out of there.  So we'll have to pack everything up tomorrow as far as possible, and everything else Sunday morning.

Off to drop the 28 off at the Wasserkuppe, stay nearby that night then Eric drops me off at Frankfurt airport the next day.

Assuming tomorrow goes ahead, we'll have lost half the scheduled days to weather.


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