Saturday 10 August 2013

10 August, from the crew dude, part 3

Something at last!!!  They're finally away, Standard launching starting at 1343 after several delays - Club launched a bit earlier - and reduction of task from "A" to "D" - 240 km or so - and the sky's cleared up with the cirrus now gone, and Cu's everywhere.  Everyone should get around - although we had one or two relights - and back in good time to de-rig and then start the mammoth job of packing up and sorting out good stuff from rubbish which'll go into the now-overflowing bins.

Maybe Eric'll be back around 1600 or 1630 or something.

And nobody wants to retrieve today. :-)



  1. 17:00 He seems to be doing fairly well so far - not long to final glide hopefully...
    Thanks for the great blogging crew dude.

  2. 18:20 No retrieve necessary! He did it!! Nice way to finish the World Championships on a high. Well done Eric, well done Andrew!!
